Thursday, December 13, 2007

Can't help who you love.

Ever have that one person in your life you can't get over? My problem is, I have many of those. Some I won't think about for years on end and then something will happen or remind me of them and I miss them. Every time I break up with someone (or get broken up with) I think, "as long as I get married before them, I'll be fine". Unfortunately I don't have the best luck with that one, I guess it's because I keep getting older- the age you should be getting married and so the ex's do, and I don't. The 'not getting married' part is fine- it's that my ex boyfriends aren't staying miserable without me. Sometimes I hear about an ex getting married and I don't care at all- it's great, that's another one I don't have to worry about! However, in some cases it stings a little, or sometimes a lot.

Another one bites the dust.


Alissa said...

I'm not really a prt of it anymore, but I'd love to know who.

TUG said...

Word to you . . .

This time of year has been a bit killer for me.

Chin up! We can all do it!

Joseph Cone Darnell said...

Is this one of those "what's it all about" crisis things??? I'll bet the dreaded Marco probably goes through these phases just like the rest of us. Even when you've moved on, there's those moments when you still feel the pangs of ex-moving-on hurt.

sorensenpower said...

I totally feel you on this one. I think you will always have memories that make you miss people. When you do fun/awesome/dangeresque things with someone part of them becomes encrypted in your soul.

It's science. Check it out.

But I think that once you find someone that makes you forget about that you know that you should... make magic happen?

I'll leave that up to your own interpretation.

Spencer said...

Uggg what is this crap? You have the greatest life ever! You are rich and famouse. You have thousands of adoring fans! Wait. Wait. Oh I guess you don't. Hmmm, nevermind, go on with your blogging.

Angie said...

Thanks Spence.