Sunday, September 28, 2008


Remember when I used to blog a lot more? Yeah, me too. I was reading my journal the other night and I found that I only seemed to write when I was having a hard time or when I needed to work something out in my head. I think my blog is a lot like that. Sure, I write about silly things too- but there is normally more to it.

"So what am I working through?" you ask. I am not really sure. I feel like there has been a lot of sadness lately. Sadness in the lives of my friends, sadness in the lives of my family and me too of course. I just don't want the sad anymore. When does it become more than that?

That's all.


ram said...

It's the economic downturn. We're collectively a little sad and worried right now. America needs to find a new significant other or get a great new job. Or something.

Alissa said...

I think a trip to sunny FL would be just the thing to turn your frown upside down. Of course, it is cloudy and rainy today, but I'm sure it will be nice whenever you come down. BTW, I am reading the Glass Castle too. What do you think? I finished Breaking Dawn this past I can resume my normal life again.

Jamie said...

I hope you love the Glass Castle. I absolutely love that book. I wish there were more like it. Hope you are feeling less blue.

Allison said...

Sorry about your sadness sweetheart. Try not to get to preoccupied with it--life is still beautiful, and just think you get to look forward to falling in love all over again. No matter how jaded you may feel, you can't deny that falling in love is an amazing feeling :) love and miss you!

Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

I'm the same way. When my future kids read my journal their gonna think my life was just drama! I'm sure this roller coaster we're all on right now is going to start going up again soon...I hope!