I was born in New Jersey. Did you know that about me? Well, it's true. In fact I spent the first 4 years of my life in New Jersey and I cried and cried when we moved to Wisconsin because I didn't want to leave my red house. I don't remember much, I hardly remember the red house, but I do believe some of New Jersey has stayed with me throughout my life. The biggest part being my love for Bon Jovi. There is really no other explanation. I love Bon Jovi because I was born in New Jersey, I just know it. This week I busted out the old Ipod that I haven't listened to in ages and played it on shuffle. As I was driving home tonight, to my surprise and great pleasure, Bon Jovi's I'll be there for you came on and I sang my little New Jersey born heart out. Hearing this song brought back so many memories- sitting in the back of the bus in third grade looking at Jon Bon Jovi's poster and thinking he was the cutest thing ever in his tight spandex pants, crazy hair and bandanna. Jump then to middle school when Ginger and I made a bet that it was Bon Jovi that sang I'll be there for you and Skid Row that sang I'll Remember You, I won that bet, but I don't remember all the logistics. Then in High School when I was embarrassed to admit one of my favorite songs was Blaze of Glory- embarrassed no more, I freaking love that song. In more recent years when Jon Bon Jovi was on Sex in the City and I, once again, thought he was so cute (thank goodness he was minus the spandex and bandanna- still has somewhat crazy hair though). And then to tonight where the flame was rekindled.
I blame it on my birth place.
I'm not from Jersey but I've always had a thing for Bon Jovi as well! He is soooo cute!! I went to his concert in my early 20's and it was seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen!!
I don't love Bon Jovi they way you and Jamie do but Slippery When Wet was the first cassette tape I ever owned and I played the hell out of it. I still love that Album and I have seen them in concert a few times. Yeah, I still like to rock out to the 80s! I think I'll listen to some Bon Jovi this weekend. Good Post!
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