Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cold and lost

The semester ended and I decided to get away. Good thing I have someone to getaway to, too bad it's just as cold there as it is here- if not colder. Ah, Missouri. Since it was so cold and since I was really going to see a person and not so much the place, we stayed inside most of the time. We watched an entire season of Lost (it was season 4, holy crap my pants I love that show) and made sugar cookies. . . so so many sugar cookies. I like to think of it as an experiment to find the best store made sugar cookie mix. Walmart's generic brand won (in case you were wondering).

We went to a movie (Keanu Reeves should just stop making movies), Church (this crazy old lady who looked like Liam Neeson told us we were a cute couple), out to dinner, a book store, a little Christmas window shopping and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a good time. Oh and I totally didn't take pictures. I never do, I always forget. So here is one (the other ones were REALLY bad). This is on the way to the airport on the way home.

Dave isn't even looking, but he was driving and it's winter, so can you blame him?

When I got to the airport, my flight had been overbooked due to a snow storm in Vegas- weird. So they offered people a hotel stay and a travel voucher for future use if they gave up their seat. So I did it! The hotel was super nice and now I can travel again for free. Free is always good. But after getting up super early, flying home, working all day and then going to a Holiday party I feel like I might crash at any minute- oh and my house is FREEZING. Seriously, my butt almost stuck to the toilet seat.


Brenna said...

Holy crap my pants - my butt almost froze to the toilet seat today too! No Way!

Too funny Angie - you were on a roll!

Alissa said...

It will snow in Vegas when hell freezes over! Oh wait....

Nicki said...

I too can bond with you over toilet butt freezing issues, my bathroom is basically located on the deck outside. good times.